Rooted in Legacy. Poised for Growth.
A community where diversity, unity, and progress converge, the vibrant neighborhood of Sunnyside Houston is committed to cherishing the past while embracing the promise of a thriving tomorrow.
Known for our rich history and pride
Founded over a hundred years ago in 1912 as Sunnyside Place, Sunnyside boasts a rich heritage and a strong sense of pride, making it the oldest African American community in southern Houston.

Sunnyside Management District
Sunnyside Management District (SMD) was created by the 80th Texas State Legislature to promote, develop, encourage, and maintain employment, commerce, transportation, parking, housing, recreation, the arts, safety, and public welfare in the Sunnyside area. The Sunnyside Management District is in the process of organizing and developing its Service and Assessment Plan.

Sunnyside Redevelopment Authority
The Sunnyside Redevelopment Authority (SRA) exists to facilitate the positive development of the area within the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #26 (TIRZ #26) boundaries. The SRA and TIRZ #26 are improving public space and infrastructure which will lead to private capital investment in the area that respects the character and culture of Sunnyside, offers a corresponding increase in the tax base, and creates economic opportunities.